2014年Nature Methods杂志十周年特刊中盘点了过去十年对生物学研究影响最为深刻的十大技术,二代测序、CRISPR、单分子技术、蛋白质组学、细胞重编程、光遗传学、超高分辨率显微镜等纷纷上榜。时至今日,这些技术依然活跃在科学发现的最前沿,推动着生命科学与医学的前进。
斯坦福大学William Greenleaf实验室专注于利用高通量测序技术和最先进的光学显微镜技术,开发新的工具,探测基因组编码的分子的结构和功能,以及基因组本身的物理压缩和折叠。2013年,他们研发的ATAC-seq(Assayfor Transposase-Accessible Chromatin with high throughput sequencing)横空出世并迅速风靡。这是一种研究染色质开放程度的技术,利用Tn5转座酶对染色质开放区域进行切割并插入接头,然后将切割后的片段进行建库测序及后续分析。此外,Greenleaf实验室还致力于研究核小体定位、转录因子在基因组上的结合位点等技术,从各个角度探索基因组物理结构与调控机制。
ATAC-seq原理示意图(Buenrostro et al., NatureMethods, 2013. “Transposition of native chromatin for fast and sensitiveepigenomic profiling of open chromatin, DNA-binding proteins and nucleosomeposition”)
北京大学魏文胜实验室致力于发展基因组编辑技术、功能基因组学以及基因治疗,并在此基础上研究癌症、感染等重大疾病发生机制,为发展高效治疗手段提供新的药物靶点和思路。今年七月,魏文胜实验室在Nature Biotechnology发表题为“Programmable RNAediting by recruiting endogenous ADAR using engineered RNAs”,公开一种全新的原创RNA编辑技术——LEAPER(LeveragingEndogenous ADAR for Programmable Editing on RNA)。LEAPER是一种RNA单碱基编辑技术,通过使用一小段与目的序列配对的RNA(arRNA)调用内源性ADAR(AdenosineDeaminase Acting on RNA,RNA腺苷脱氨酶),完成由碱基A到G的转变。人类有许多疾病都是因碱基G到A的突变引起的,而LEAPER的这一作用刚好可以修复这种突变。由于无需引入外源蛋白,LEAPER相比于以往的基因编辑手段可以更加适用于体内治疗。
近年来,随着二代测序的成熟和产业化,组织(bulk)与单细胞(single cell)的基因组、转录组、表观组、染色质开放程度、基因组三维结构等高通量测序方法层出不穷;与此同时,产出的数据量也呈现指数增长糖心vlog入口。如何合理地整合与利用这些来自不同实验室、不同技术、不同组学、不同组织、不同物种的数据,从中挖掘信息,研究传统生物学无法揭示的生物问题,显得至关重要。
纽约大学Rahul Satija实验室致力于开发计算工具来解决多组学数据整合的问题,他们开发了目前应用最为广泛的单细胞分析工具——基于R的Seurat,集合了大量单细胞分析算法,能够去除不同数据集的批次效应,整合多组学的数据,从多个维度来理解单细胞体系。
Stuart et al., Cell, 2019. “Comprehensive Integration of Single-Cell Data"
Rahul Satija
Rahul Satija,纽约大学生物学系助理教授。近年来,Satija教授致力于利用单细胞技术来研究复杂生物学系统中细胞的异质性,他针对单细胞组学数据开发的计算方法,大力推动了单细胞在癌症免疫、发育等领域的应用。
Single cell transcriptomics (scRNA-seq) has transformed our ability to discover and annotate cell types and states, but deep biological understanding requires more than a taxonomic listing of clusters. As new methods arise to measure distinct cellular modalities, including high-dimensional immunophenotypes, chromatin accessibility, and spatial positioning, a key analytical challenge is to integrate these datasets into a harmonized atlas that can be used to better understand cellular identity and function. Here, we develop a computational strategy to "anchor" diverse datasets together, enabling us to integrate and compare single cell measurements not only across scRNA-seq technologies, but different modalities as well. After demonstrating substantial improvement over existing methods for data integration, we anchor scRNA-seq experiments with scATAC-seq datasets to explore chromatin differences in closely related interneuron subsets, and project single cell protein measurements onto a human bone marrow atlas to annotate and characterize lymphocyte populations. Lastly, we demonstrate how anchoring can harmonize in-situ gene expression and scRNA-seq datasets, allowing for the transcriptome-wide imputation of spatial gene expression patterns, and the identification of spatial relationships between mapped cell types in the visual cortex. Our work presents a strategy for comprehensive integration of single cell data, including the assembly of harmonized references, and the transfer of information across datasets.
William James Greenleaf
William James Greenleaf,斯坦福大学医学院遗传学系副教授。Greenleaf教授主要的研究方向涵盖了高通量生物物理学、分子进化、染色质结构等。其发明的DNA可及性检测技术ATAC-seq,被科学家广泛应用于癌症、发育等领域的研究中。
While all cells in the body have the same genomic sequence, cell types display highly diverse phenotypes. Much of the gene regulation that brings about this phenotypic diversity is encoded in chromatin, specifically the regions of the genome that are made accessible the machinery of transcription, and the regions that are packaged and sequestered away. My lab is interested in this physical regulation of the genome, and how this epigenetic layer of regulation both encodes durable "memory" of phenotypic state, and how this layer can change through differentiation and in disease states.
Current tools for targeted gene editing rely on the delivery of exogenous proteins or chemically modified guide RNAs, which may lead to aberrant effector activity, delivery barrier or immunogenicity. We developed a new approach, called LEAPER (leveraging endogenous ADAR for programmable editing of RNA), that employs short engineered ADAR-recruiting RNAs (arRNAs) to recruit native ADAR1 or ADAR2 enzymes to change a specific adenosine to inosine. LEAPER is highly specific, with rare global off-targets and limited editing of non-target adenosines in the target region. As a single-molecule system, LEAPER enables precise, efficient RNA editing with broad applicability for therapy and basic research.
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